Cancelling Diversity Will Not Make Your Life Easier
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So many people focus their frustration, anger, resentment on other’s superficial differences as if those superficial differences are the cause of their frustration, anger, or resentment, but what a silly thing to focus on when you really think about it. Take a step back and examine what exactly is in your life that is causing you to feel the way you do. Are you overworked? Do you feel that you are barely making ends meet? Does it feel like you aren’t able to really enjoy life because there are too many things that are just stressing you out? I bet a lot of the frustration that you feel can be attributed to the stresses caused by a lack of financial security. And guess what? People of different races, gender, religions, etc have the exact same stresses as you, they are not the cause of your stresses. Taking your anger out on those different than you will not actually improve your own circumstances because you are not fixing the problems in your own life, instead you are just causing more problems for others. Punching holes in a sinking ship is only going to make the whole thing sink faster. So what should you do?
Financial security is the most reliable method to promoting a life with less stress. Imagine how much more relaxed you could be if you didn’t have to constantly worry about how you are going to eat, or how you are going to pay the bills, or what would happen if you had a medical emergency? Now spending your time attacking people that are different than you, accomplishes what in terms of making your financial situation better? Think about it. If your attacks actually accomplished what you wanted and turned all those people different from you into people that are exactly like you (same physical traits, same thoughts, ideas, religious beliefs, etc) what exactly has changed with your financial situation? Nothing. So are you going to be less stressed? No. Because making all those around you the same as you, doesn’t change the fact that you still have bills to pay, mouths to feed, potential emergencies to deal with. Your life doesn’t automatically get any easier by cancelling diversity. And anyone in a position of power that promotes the idea that you need to attack those different from you in order to make your own life better, are in fact the ones you need to watch out for. All they are really doing is providing a smokescreen to allow you to feel like you are doing something when in fact you aren’t doing anything except keeping the same societal dynamics in place that have caused all of the stresses in your life to begin with. Think about it. How many poor, lower class, financially struggling people are currently in positions of power? People that understand what it is like to live paycheck to paycheck, who worry about that one unforeseen emergency that will break them? There are very few, if any. The people in power are generally wealthy and financially secure. They have benefited from the current system and want to keep it just as it is. Thus, they misdirect the anger, frustration, and resentment of those struggling in order to keep themselves on top. Remember attacking those different from yourself does nothing to help your own financial insecurity.
Now think about what would really help you. Affordable medical care so you don’t have to worry about how you are going to afford visiting the doctor? Minimum wage laws to guarantee you the ability to work one job and actually afford to pay your bills? Labor laws to allow for time off to relax and enjoy your life. Decent and affordable educational opportunities so that anyone who wants to learn more and better their lives are able. Reasonable retirement security so that everyone can eventually retire peacefully. Affordable homes, affordable childcare, affordable groceries, just affordable necessities of life so you can enjoy it. Are any of things really things that anyone in society does not want for themselves? And how can they be accomplished? Only by the people in power deciding to actually focus on solving these very real problems instead of attacking the superficial differences of people unlike themselves. So the next time a politician or anyone in power tells you that hating somebody who is different from you will solve all of your problems, remember they are really only trying to distract you so they don’t have to actually solve your very real problems and instead can maintain a society that benefits them and not you. If they actually cared about your problems they would be looking to find ways to make your life more financially secure and less stressful. You don’t have to listen to them, you don’t have to choose hate, instead you can demand they find solutions to your actual problems, you can demand better.