Hate is a Distraction
Photo Credit Unsplash
What’s the point of hate? What benefit does it really bring? I’m looking around at society and seeing how much progress we have made in just the past 100 years. Rights for different groups of people have expanded tremendously. Society hasn’t crumbled. Life hasn’t ceased. Do we still have a long way to go to obtain full equality for everyone? Yes. But let’s remember to remind those that doubt, that granting rights and equality to others, has not destroyed the fabric of society.
On the other hand, what good has hatred wrought? Hating somebody for being different, how does that help anyone? How does that even help you? Filling yourself up with hate towards others, doesn’t do you any good. You stay jealous over what you think others have and angry at perceived slights that may or may not even exist. Will that make your life any better? Does that even make you feel good inside? Follow your thinking through. Taking away rights from others, what benefit will that bring to your own life? You may destroy somebody else, but what does that really accomplish for you? Will you actually be in a better position after, or will your life remain the same? Think about your actual struggles. You worry about your job, paying bills, the safety of your family, your focus should be on solving those problems. It’s a distraction to blame others, many of whom are actually less fortunate. For example, take job security/pay, typically to ensure better job security/pay or the ability to find a new job you’ll need better/more skills. Wouldn’t expanding the availability of quality educational/training programs make more sense rather than fighting against the perceived slights of affirmative action. If there are spaces available for everyone, then gender and race won’t even matter. So why not focus your energy on demanding more quality programs to help everyone. Why hate those that have no control over the programs and are only asking for the same opportunities as you? Problems don’t get fixed if we don’t find the source.
It may seem easy to blame somebody else for your own misfortunes. But that hate you have inside of you is misdirected. It’s what is being used to keep you always one step behind. It blinds you to the real problem and what could be the real solution. It blinds you to the things that can actually make your life better. So don’t be distracted by hate. Don’t villainize those that are pursuing equality. I assure you that their goals are not to take anything away from you. Instead they want to stand by your side and demand more for all of you. We all have common desires and we must all learn to stand together for them, otherwise we risk losing everything we’ve gained over the centuries.
Remember hate has no desire to improve things. Hate serves only to deceive.