Elisabeth Majevadia Elisabeth Majevadia

The Fallacy of a Simpler Time

Why do we long for a time that was considered simpler? Is it really because that time was better or are we just longing for a time that afforded us the ability to relax and be happy?

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Elisabeth Majevadia Elisabeth Majevadia

Freedom of Speech

What is freedom of speech? Does the first amendment give everyone the right to say anything all of the time?

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Elisabeth Majevadia Elisabeth Majevadia

What Do You Want?

What do you want? Not what do you want to take away from somebody else, but what do you want? What can make your life better?

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Elisabeth Majevadia Elisabeth Majevadia

Hate is a Distraction

What value does hate actually have? How does hatred improve your life? Hating others different from you, is only a distraction that prevents you from fixing the real problems in your life.

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Elisabeth Majevadia Elisabeth Majevadia

An Argument for a Strong Federal Government

As an American, should your rights depend upon which state you reside? No. We all have the same rights and they should be enforced equally regardless of where you happen to live. This is why we need a strong federal government and why we should not allow the Courts to strip federal authority in favour of states’ rights.

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Elisabeth Majevadia Elisabeth Majevadia

Everyone Gets an Equal Vote

Do you believe in democracy? Do you believe that all people in the USA are equal? Do you believe that any person, of voting age and who abides by all applicable laws, should be allowed to vote? Do you believe that the current system is designed to give equal access to all potential members of the voting public? If so, do you believe that every vote should count equally? If you answer yes to all of these questions, then it is time to abolish the electoral college.

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Elisabeth Majevadia Elisabeth Majevadia

Can Words be Bad?

Some words on their face are considered bad. But does this really make sense?

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Elisabeth Majevadia Elisabeth Majevadia

Mankind’s Blessed Ingenuity

Perhaps God created mankind with free will and ingenuity, so that mankind could find solutions to our problems ourselves.

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Elisabeth Majevadia Elisabeth Majevadia

Entitlements and Smart Decisions

Why are programs designed to benefit the poor seen as entitlements? And yet tax cuts designed to benefit the wealthy are seen as smart economic decisions? Wouldn’t programs helping the poor, also have great economic benefits? What’s the difference?

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Elisabeth Majevadia Elisabeth Majevadia

America is Already Great

America doesn’t need to become great again. America is already great because although we are flawed, we learn from those flaws and become better.

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Elisabeth Majevadia Elisabeth Majevadia

The Lack of Decency in Leadership

We spend a lot of time teaching our children how to become decent human beings, why then do we accept the outrageous, indecent behaviour of our political leaders?

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Elisabeth Majevadia Elisabeth Majevadia


Living in a functioning, stable society, requires a delicate balancing act between personal freedoms and other people’s rights.

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Elisabeth Majevadia Elisabeth Majevadia

Disintegrating Society

All of the divisiveness and hatred that is increasing in our society is only hastening our own disintegration. It’s worth it to remember that people can be different and not be evil. People can reasonably disagree and not be evil. We don’t need to demonize everyone with whom we disagree.

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Elisabeth Majevadia Elisabeth Majevadia

The Luxury of Time

Modern daily life is made up of so many different but necessary things, that we sometimes forget about the luxury of time and how important that really should be as a factor in making a better tomorrow.

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Elisabeth Majevadia Elisabeth Majevadia

Government for the People

We, the people, are the government. It just makes sense for us to use our tax dollars to provide basic necessities, services, and infrastructure for all citizens. It’s our money, it’s our country, it’s our right!

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Elisabeth Majevadia Elisabeth Majevadia

The Declaration of Independence

In honor of the Fourth of July, let’s remember where it all started… the Declaration of Independence. Fun fact: the Continental Congress actually voted for independence on July 2nd! On July 4th was when the Congress formally adopted the Declaration of Independence.

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Elisabeth Majevadia Elisabeth Majevadia


The world has never been and is still not perfect. Plus it is a fact that things will inevitably change. So instead of using all of our energy to hinder progress, why not use it to figure out how to make things better and move society forward.

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Elisabeth Majevadia Elisabeth Majevadia


Capitalism isn’t necessarily a bad thing. If it is paired with government policies that are used to protect the working and lower classes, it could achieve amazing results without all of the unnecessary suffering.

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Elisabeth Majevadia Elisabeth Majevadia

The VP Controversy

The current VP controversy highlights how racism is used as a distraction from the economic disparities that could actually unite the poor, regardless of skin color, to demand better and fairer treatment.

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